Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I am always amazed at the wonderful things we can do with technology. When visiting my brother about a month ago, he handed me a stack of cds which he had made for me. He had photoshopped and downloaded boxes and boxes of old family photographs. Some of the photos were very old and in poor condition. It was fabulous to see great, great grandparents and distant relatives brought back to life. We had a great time trying to identify some of the photographs. Unfortunately some will remain unindentified, but it was a great trip down memory lane.


Gazania (difference)
Originally uploaded by Dawn Endico
Loved this photo! The colors are amazing.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

THING # 5:Kitty Heaven

Originally uploaded by fofurasfelinas
I couldn't resist this photo. It looks a lot like my cat.

Thursday, July 5, 2007


My blog is finally set up! Glad that's done. For me, the easiest habit on the list of 7 1/2 habits of highly successful lifelong learners is viewing problems as challenges (otherwise I would be seriously depressed). The hardest would be to use technology to my advantage. There is so much technology out there that I do not use and only have a passing knowledge about.